Have you ever been to a beach filled with garbage, very little coral and even less fish? Unfortunately this beach wasn't always like this and it was brought to this state by none other than us. Tourism is a major threat to our marine life. It's generally the marine life that attracts us to go on these beach vacations however, it's these beach vacations that are ruining our marine life.
Coral reefs house 25% of the earths marine life, therefore it is in our best interests to protect the coral reefs in order to protect our marine life. There are many reason why reefs and their inhabitance are very important to us. They provide us with entertainment, food and even medicines.
Our idea of an ideal beach vacation consists of a radiating sun, a beautiful beach and crystal clear fish abundant waters. In order to keep this dream a reality we must protect our coral reefs. Snorkeling and diving sites are continually degrading in quality as fish and coral die out, leaving only stark white life less coral.
Throughout the last twenty years developing countries have increasingly marketed their tropical beaches which has lead to an increase in tourists and hotels along these tropical beaches. This is beneficial to the country as it helps to increase the countries GDP and employs the locals in these often remote areas. Unfortunately these developing countries may not be able to look forward to this income for too many more years to come as the increased tourism has drastically damaged the nature which tourists have come to see.
According to a criteria laid out by the International Union for the Conservation of Nature coral is the most endangered species on the earth. Coral is the basis of life for more than 25% of all marine species, without coral a massive amount of our marine life will become extinct. We already have a problem on our hands because ten years ago 2% of our coral was endangered whereas today around 30% of our coral is endangered (according to the Global Marine Species Assessment). This means something must be done today before the problem can get any worse.
One of the major reasons for this incredible damage to our underwater reefs is tourism. There are many ways in which tourism damages the basis of life for our fragile underwater ecosystem. Its damaged through water activities, pollution and transport.
If this article was useful you can find more information at http://marinetourism.scienceontheweb.net